MTCPA Awards
Every year, the MTCPA honors individuals that have demonstrated their commitment to supporting the Society and maintaining the CPA's trusted and respected place in the state's professional community.
Nomination deadline for all awards is December 15th, each year. Form can be found here.
The Awards are presented at the Annual Conference in June.
2024 Award Winners
George D. Anderson
Distinguished Service Award
The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is MTCPA's highest honor, recognizing a member who has served the profession or the public with distinction throughout their long-standing career. These are CPAs who have demonstrated a commitment to enhancing the profession whether locally, nationally, or internationally; and/or serving the public.
In evaluating nominations, the MTCPA Board of Directors will consider the nominee’s accomplishments in the following areas:
- Service to the Montana Society of CPAs as an officer, Board member, committee member, legislative spokesperson, CPE speaker, researcher, and Line Items contributor, as well as other types of activities that enhance the profession’s stature;
- Service to the AICPA, as an officer, committee member, researcher, speaker, or exam grader/contributor;
- Service to other national organizations which contribute to the overall strength of the accounting profession, such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, the Institute of Management Accountants, the American Accounting Association, and other recognized organizations that directly influence the accounting profession;
- Service to international accounting organizations such as the International Financial Accounting Committee;
- Active participant & assumed responsibility in various community, charitable, and civic activities on a local, state, or national level;
- Service in the community, state, or nation in an outstanding manner as an appointed or elected official;
- Presented speeches or published significant articles designed to encourage participation in, or support of community, civic, or charitable causes.
Inspire-Empower-Impact Award
This [NEW] award is a celebration of the impact CPAs make through their actions to which empower other CPAs, educational innovation and contributions to the accounting profession that motivates and inspires students, and/or their volunteer efforts both within the Society and the community.
A nominee for this award could be a Professor at a University inspiring students with their enthusiasm for the profession; an up-and-coming Young CPA making headway in the field; a CPA in Industry who is making significant contributions to the profession; or even a CPA who volunteers their time to many local organizations and committees. The possibilities are endless!
Note: this award category has morphed to include former awards such as the Outstanding CPA in Industry Award; the Jack Kempner Outstanding Educator Award; the Outstanding Young CPA Award; the Community Service and Outstanding Volunteer Awards. See section at the bottom of this page for more details.
Honorary Life
This award and status is granted by the Board of Directors for a member in good standing for 20 years or more, effective the fiscal year following the fiscal year during which the member reaches age 70. They are then exempt from fees, dues and assessments.
Medallion Award
The Medallion is awarded to an outstanding upper-level accounting student in a four or five-year program at the University of Montana, Montana State University, and Montana State University-Billings. Each year, the faculty at these universities each select a student who represents excellence in scholastic achievement in the accounting curriculum.
The MTCPA Outstanding CPA in Business and Industry Award recognizes the achievements of individual CPAs employed in business, industry, nonprofit and government (BING). The nominee must be a member of the MTCPA in good standing, be employed in business or industry and be nominated based on achievements, such as: Making a significant contribution to the growth and enhancement of the profession; Making a significant contribution to the growth and success of his/her employer organization or a notable entrepreneurial achievement; Providing leadership-by-example and commitment within their organization, community and profession; Inspiring and motivating others for growth and development, while emphasizing the ethical and excellence values of the CPA profession.
The recipient of this award is one who is distinguished for excellence in classroom teaching, motivating students and educational innovation and contributions to the accounting profession, as demonstrated by active involvement in professional activities such as participation in professional accounting organizations. Educators noted for their teaching abilities but currently are predominantly involved in administration or research are eligible. The nominee need not be a CPA nor hold a doctoral degree.
Up-and-coming CPAs are the heart of the profession, and absolutely imperative in the growth of the profession as a whole. The Outstanding Young CPA Award is to recognize the talent of young Montana CPAs and for their growth potential in the accounting profession. Qualifications: Be a CPA member of MTCPA; Be 35 years old or younger at the end of the current fiscal year (January 31); Display significant accomplishments within MTCPA or a local MTCPA Chapter; Shown community and/or professional contributions/significant achievements; Have at least three years of professional accounting experience
Community Service is a vital part of any thriving community. MTPA is proud to have members who provide their time, expertise, and man power to help people and organizations around our community - and in turn, making Montana a better place to live. This award recognizes a CPA who volunteers their time to organization(s) in their community.
The Outstanding Volunteer Award represents an important opportunity to focus recognition on volunteers who achieve excellence in leading MTCPA committees, task forces and working groups. The support for these awards comes from the Society’s tradition of serving the profession and is intended to recognize outstanding examples of leadership and achievement. Attributes: Committee leadership recognizes and supports good ideas, inspires a vision, steers projects, enables others to act, encourages others; Committee productivity develops and attains committee goals, promotes quality work, meets deadlines, accepts responsibility and performs consistently, makes a major contribution to the committee’s success; Advancing morale shows initiative, is enthusiastic and effective, fosters collaboration, strengthens others, leads by example.